Monthly Archives: September 2014

Can we model Risk Perception?

When: Thursday, 2014-Sep-25, 11h30-12h00 Where: FCUL-DI, room C6.3.38 Presenter: Nuno Magessi Abstract: In this smalltalk I’ll explain the importance of modelling risk perception by using agent based model methodology. In what concerns risk, perception is a critical step that occurs … Continue reading

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Distributed Deadlock Detection for Barrier Synchronisation

When: Wednesday, 2014-Sep-17, 11h30-12h00 Where: FCUL-DI, room C6.3.38 Presenter: Tiago Cogumbreiro Abstract: A major part of deadlock detection is the maintenance of the concurrency constraints between tasks and blocking operations (e.g., barriers). Since barriers are collective operations, their analysis requires … Continue reading

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As the DI-Smalltalks series restarts in this 1st semester of 2014/2015, we introduce a new recommendation for “abstracts” (a.k.a. “small-abstracts”), as a further step to promote the “smalltalks” concept (concise, informal, interactive, …). The following items, taken from, are … Continue reading

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