When: Thursday, 2015-Jan-22, 11h30-12h00
Where: FCUL-DI, room C6.3.38
Presenter: Hugo A. López
Abstract: Communication-Centred (CC) programming has as a focus the descriptions of reliable communication protocols for distributed systems. Interestingly, there has been two main visions when specifying CC programs: An imperative vision, where the message flows are defined explicitly, and a declarative one, where such flows are described as a collection of constraints to be respected.
We will present an approach that integrates both the operational and the declarative flavours of CC programs. By relying on a (timed) concurrent constraint programming language, we show that in addition to the usual operational techniques from process calculi, a CC program can elegantly exploit logic-based reasoning techniques coming from its declarative transformation. I will discuss some details of the approach, as well as some of the challenges.
About the presenter: Postdoct at FCUL-DI