Monthly Archives: October 2014

Slack and Git are your best friends

When: Wednesday, 2014-Oct-29, 11h30-12h00 Where: FCUL-DI, room C6.3.38 Presenter: Carlos Mão de Ferro Abstract: If you are not a solitaire cowboy while coding your masterpieces than you got to know two important tools: Git and Slack. Come to the next … Continue reading

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Data structures for big data — Bloom filter

When: Thursday, 2014-Oct-16, 11h30-12h00 Where: FCUL-DI, room C6.3.38 Presenter: Vinicius Cogo Abstract: In this smalltalk, the presenter will describe the Bloom filter (BF) data structure, as well as present known use cases in big data and some existent implementations. BFs … Continue reading

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Atração de novos alunos para a LEI e LTI

When: Thursday, 2014-Oct-09, 11h30-12h00 Where: FCUL-DI, room C6.3.38 Presenter: Luís Correia Abstract: Discussão de iniciativas em curso e outras possibilidades para melhorar a captação de novos alunos nas licenciaturas em informática da FCUL.

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